Now a days in a lot of competitive examination full form of acronyms are being asked. We have tried to compile a list of common and frequently asked acronyms alphabet wise.
Meaning of Acronyms
Acronyms are a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term. (Oxford Dictionary)
Just go over on the alphabet to go through the list of acronyms of that alphabet.
AA | Anti-Aircraft, Author’s Alteraations |
AAAA | Asian Amateur Athletics Association |
AAAS | American Association of Advancement Of Science |
AAFI | Amateur Athletic Federation of India |
AAG | Afro- Asian Games |
AAI | Airport Authority of India |
AAOU | Asian Association of Open Universities |
AAPI | American Association Of Physicians of Indian Origin |
AAPSO | Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation |
AASU | All Assam Students’ Union |
ABC | Audit Bureau of Circulations, American Broadcasting Company, Australian Broadcasting Company, Atanasoff- Berry Computer |
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missiles |
ABSU | All Bodo Students’ Union |
ABU | Anti- Broadcasting Unit |
AC | Alternating Current, Ashok Chakra, Ante Christium(L. Before the Birth of Christ) |
ACA | Australian Cricketers’ Association |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACC | Auxiliary Cadet Corps, Air Coordinating Committee, Associated Cement Companies |
ACD | Asian Co-operation Dialogue, Anti-Collision Devices, Automatic Call distributor |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACU | Asian Clearing Union |
AD | anno Domini (L. After Christ) |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
ADBS | Advance Data Broadcast System |
ADC | Aide-de-Camp |
ADF | Asian Development Fund |
ADRs | American Depository Receipts |
ADS | Air Defense Ship |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
AERB | Atomic Energy Regulation Board |
AF | Audio Frequency |
AFC | Asian Football Confederation |
AFNET | Air Force Network |
AFP | Agence France-Presse, Australian Federal Police |
AFSPA | Armed Force (Special Powers) Act |
AFTC | Asia Foundation for Thermonuclear Studies |
AFMC | Armed Force Medical College |
AG | Adjutant General, Accountant General, Attorney General, Aktiengesellschaft (G. Limited-liability Company) |
AGF | Asian Games Federation |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port, Asom Gana Parishad |
AHQ | Army Headquarters |
AI | Air India, Artificial Intelligence |
AIADMK | All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam |
AIBA | All India Boxing Assiciation |
AICC | All India Congress Committee |
AICI | Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India |
AICS | All India Council of Sports |
AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
AID | Agency for International Development |
AIDS | Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome |
AIDWA | All India Democratic Women’s Associiation |
AIFA | All India Football Assiciation |
AITA | All India Tennis Association |
AIFACS | All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society |
AIFF | All India Football Federation |
AIILSG | All India Institute of Local Self Government |
AIIMS | All India Institute of Medical Sciences |
AILTA | All India Lawn Tennis Association |
AIMA | All India Management Association |
AIMCET | All India Common Entrance Test for Master of Computer Application |
AIMO | All India Manufacturers’ Organisation |
AIMPLB | All India Muslim Personal Law Board |
AIR | All India Radio, Annual Information Report |
AISNEC | All India Small Newspaper Editors’ Conference |
AISSF | All India Sikh Students’ Federation |
AITUC | All India Trade Union Congress |
AIWHA | All India Women Hockey Association |
AJT | Advanced Jet Trainer |
AKFI | Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India |
ALGOL | Algorithm Language |
ALH | Advanced Light Helicopter |
a.m | ante meridian( before noon) |
AMC | Army Medical College |
AMICE | Associate Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers |
AMIE | Associate Member of Institute of Engineers |
AMIEE | Associate Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers |
AMP | Auto Mission Plan |
AMU | Asian Monetary Union, Aligarh Muslim University |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANCA | Alternative Nuclear Command Authority |
ANDI | Area Networking Development Initiative |
ANERT | Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology |
ANMC-21 | Asian Network of Major Cities-21 |
ANN | Asian News Network |
ANZUS | Australia, New Zealand and United States( Three Nation Defence Pact ) |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding |
AP | Associated Press, Andhra Pradesh |
APASL | Asia Pacific Association for Study of Liver |
APCTT | Asia and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology |
APEC | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APECF | Asia Pacific Exchange and Cooperation Foundation |
APHLC | All Parties Hill Leaders Conference |
APM | Administered Price Mechanism |
APPLE | Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment |
APPU | Asia Pacific Postal Union |
APT | Asia Pacific Telecommunity |
ARC | Administrative Reforms Commission ,Agricultural Refinance Corporation |
ARDC | Agricultural Refinance Development Corporation |
ARF | ASEAN Regional Forum |
ARP | Air Raid Precaution |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
ARTRAC | Army Training Command |
ASCI | Administrative Staff College of India |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASCON | Army Static Switched Communication Network |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
ASEM | Asia Europe Meeting |
ASHA | Accredited Social Health Activists |
ASI | Archaeological Survey of India |
ASIDE | Assistance to States for Infrastructural Development for Experts |
ASK | Aaykar Sampark Kendra |
ASLV | Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle |
ASSOCHAM | Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry |
AT&C Losses | Aggregate Technical & Commercial Losses |
ATGM | Anti-Tank Guided Missile |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
ATR | Action Taken Report |
ATS | Anti Tetanus Serum, Anti -Terrorist Squad |
ATX | Advanced Technology Extended |
AU | African Union |
AVARD | Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development |
AVC | Army Veterinary Corps |
AVES | Acute Viral Encephalitic Syndrome. |
AVSM | Ati Vishisht Seva Medal |
AVTAR | Army Vocational Training and Rehabilitation |
AWAN | Army Wide Area Network |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWWA | Army Wives’ Welfare Association |
Full Form Dictionary says
Hi Admin…
Nice collection of Acronyms. Why have you stopped with alphabets A,Band E. Please prepare the list for other alphabets as well.