Before you think about which books you should choose to prepare for quantitative aptitude, I suggest you read our detailed post on how you should prepare for quant section.
There is no shortage of books in the market, but whichever book you decide to choose should have the following :
- Cover the basics and list important formulae
- Cover solved examples of various types
- Have sufficient number of problems topic-wise, for practice.
Depending on your case, the book you want may have full length previous year papers and practice papers. Otherwise apart from the book, you also need solved question papers for previous years exams and full length test papers which you can practice just before the exam.
If you browse to the relevant section on this website you will find suggestions on which books you should use for a specific exam. But if you are preparing for multiple exams, it makes sense to buy one book which will help you prepare for all the exams. You should choose the books that have universal usefulness for similar exams. That way your time, effort and money will be saved. And along with this you can buy previous year papers and practice papers for different exams which are quite readily available.
Book For Basics
If you take my suggestion there is only one book which you need to prepare for SSC, IBPS PO exam and other similar exams, and this would be “Magical Book On Quicker Maths” by M. Tyra. If you are more comfortable in Hindi, the book is sometimes also available in Hindi. Check at Flipkart or Check at Amazon.
This book covers all topics arranged systematically. The book also provides the ‘normal method’ as well as ‘shortcut methods’ for almost all types of questions. This is a major advantage, though sometimes people may also complain about so many shortcuts. I think you should know the normal method for solving all types of problems, but it is not necessary to learn all the shortcuts. However if you can learn even some of the shortcuts it will save you a lot of time in the exam.
Try to learn short cut of important and repetitive topics, otherwise you will not able to solve all question during your examination quickly. And if you follow the revision method I have explained earlier you can do this without any problem at all.
Also be careful to buy “Magical Book On Quicker Maths” by M. Tyra, because the author also has a practice book by a similar name. But this book has enough practice questions and after solving it you should start solving previous years question papers. You can buy the books from Flipkart which has an amazing delivery. At the time of writing this post the price was same on, but you can check it here if they are providing a better deal.
Book For Solved Papers
Solved papers and full length practice papers are available for all major exams. If you want to buy online just go to these links – But on Flipkart or Buy on Amazon.
A word of Advice
Remember don’t waste your time on downloading junk from different websites in the hope that it would be important. Just buy a few good books and spend time practicing and learning them. Don’t think of it as a cost, it is an investment for your future. If you have any questions feel free to ask below.
Photo credit: Silenceofnight / Foter / CC BY
Priya Thakur says
Sir, I want to ask that only M. Tyra books for Quantitative Aptitude would be sufficient for SSC Maths Section or we have to buy other books also..? Plz Respond..!!
Anand says
Hi Priya,
To learn both the detailed method and the shortcut method, M. Tyra is the best. But it is also very important that you get a copy of solved papers so that you get sufficient exam pattern practice. Please refer to our other post on – //
Popli says
Sir I’ll be joining college this year.I want to prepare for SSC. would it be possible for you to tell me the which topic and book should i start from.?
Anand says
Have you seen this post – // ? Please go through it, in case you still need suggestions, feel free to get back
venkatesh says
sir what about rs agarwal
sharal pearlin says
Is learning “”R.S. AGARWAL’ s QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE”” for aptitude section enough for competitive exams ???