Updated on 1 Jan 2020In this post I have provided the latest list of the high courts in India for your exam preparations. Before we come to the list, let us brush up on a few important basics about high courts in India.High Courts in IndiaThe High Courts are the principal civil courts of original jurisdiction in the state, and can try … [Read more...] about Latest list of High Courts in India
Number of Districts in Indian States
If you go through previous question papers of UPSC, SSC, State PSCs, etc. you can observe that questions from states be it it's capital, folk dance, symbol, language, number of districts, are a common trend these days. These questions may appear as a piece of cake but sometimes they may get very tricky as one cannot do guess work in such … [Read more...] about Number of Districts in Indian States
Important Ancient Texts With Their Authors
Book/ Play / PoemAuthorImportant InformationHarsha Charita, KadambariBanabhattaBanabhatta was a poet in the court of King Harsha VardhanaPanchatantraVishnu SharmaWritten during Gupta periodBuddhacharitaAśvaghoṣaAbout life of Gautama BuddhaArthshastraKautilya (Chanakya or Vishnu Gupta)He was Teacher and guardian of Emperor Chandragupta … [Read more...] about Important Ancient Texts With Their Authors
Important Rivers Of India With Their Origins
Rivers have always played an important role in human's life. Many of the great civilizations flourished around the rivers, for example, Egyptian Civilization started around Nile River, Mesopotamian Civilization near Tigris River and Indus civilization around Indus River. Civilizations tended to grow up in river valleys as they provide irrigation, … [Read more...] about Important Rivers Of India With Their Origins
Latest Updated List Of Chief Ministers And Governors Of Indian States
Updated on 12 January 2021Knowing the Capitals, Chief Ministers And Governors Of Indian States would perhaps be one of the most basic things which you are expected to remember. The same for the Union Territories of India becomes even more important! These may be asked in both written exams or interviews. We have listed below the same in an easy … [Read more...] about Latest Updated List Of Chief Ministers And Governors Of Indian States
Important Committees In India
Below is the list of Important Committees in India:Anil Kaushal Committee To examine the recommendations made by the TRAI on pricing of Spectrum.Arvind Mayaram Committee For giving clear definitions to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)Arvind Mayaram Panel Report on the alleged … [Read more...] about Important Committees In India