Staff Selection Commission conducts Combined Higher Secondary Level Exam (CHSL) every year for Recruitment of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants, Data Entry Operators and Lower Divisional Clerks in various Central Government Departments. Minimum educational qualification to appear in CHSL exam is 12th pass, hence we see a lot of people applying for it.
SSC CHSL Examination is scheduled to take place on 1, 15 and 22 November , 2015. Let us now get familiar with the some very important informations regarding the exam.
Selection Procedure
Complete selection procedure of SSC CHSL consists of –
1. A Written Examination and Skill Test for the post of Data Entry Operator
2. A Written Test and Typing Test for the post of Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) and Lower Division Clerk on Computer.
Scheme of SSC CHSL 2015 Examination
Let us find out SSC CHSL Exam pattern for the year 2015.
1. Written Examination will have 200 objective type questions from General Intelligence, English, Maths and General Awareness. You will get 2 hours to solve the paper.
NOTE – There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi for Part-I, III & IV.
2. Skill Test for Data Entry Operator: Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination will be called for skill test.
The Speed of 8000 key depressions per hour on Computer will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words key depressions as per the given passage and the duration of the said Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2000-2200 strokes/key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer.
The “Data Entry Speed” Skill Test would be of qualifying nature. Candidates allowed to take this test, will have to qualify the test at the prescribed speed on Computer, to be provided by the Commission or the agency authorized by the Commission to conduct such skill test at the Centre/venue so notified.
3. Typing Test for PA/ SA & LDCs: Typing Test will be conducted for those candidates who qualify in the Written Examination. Typing Test will be conducted in English or Hindi and candidates while applying for the Examination, will have to indicate his/her choice/option for Skill Test Medium in the Application Form.
Candidates opting for English medium should have typing speed of 35 words per minute and those opting for Hindi medium should have typing speed of 30 words per minute.
The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the Computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes. Visually Handicapped candidates (with 40% disability and above) will be allowed 30 minutes.
Click Here For SSC CHSL Notification
Find out the Best Books For SSC CHSL Exam 2015
Also Have a look at SSC CHSL Syllabus
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