United India Insurance Company (UIIC) has declared the result of the Administrative Officer exam conducted on 28th December 2014. UIIC conducted the main exam directly instead of conducting a screening and a mains examination.
You can check your UIIC AO Exam 2014 result by going to this link.
UIIC had invited online applications for the post of Administrative officer. The applications were invited for 323 administrative officer posts. Exams were conducted for the post of specialist officers as in finance, Automobile engineering, legal as well as generalist.
UIIC has published a list of all the candidates selected for the interviews. All those who have cleared the paper can download their admit card for the interviews. It will be soon published on the official website of UIIC. The marks of individual candidates would be made available after publication of final results.
United India Insurance Company, is a leading Public Sector General Insurance Company wholly owned by Government of India with a gross premium of about Rs.10,000 crores. UIIC Ltd is a rapidly growing company with more than 1600 offices, highest network in the non-life insurance industry throughout the country.
Also See: How To Prepare For Interview
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