The Constitution of India, originally did not have any Fundamental Duties. The Soviet Union's Constitution contained a list of fundamental rights and fundamental duties. It was on the Soviet model that fundamental duties were added to the Indian Constitution by 42nd amendment of the Constitution in 1976. The fundamental duties are contained in … [Read more...] about Fundamental Duties
Fundamental Rights in India
Constitution of India offers certain rights to all its citizen irrespective of race, place of birth, religion, caste, creed or sex. These rights are embodied in Part III of the Constitution. There are six categories of Fundamental Rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution of India. These Fundamental Rights are defined from Article 12-35 of … [Read more...] about Fundamental Rights in India
Plateaus Of India
A plateau is a large flat area of land that is higher than other areas of land that surround it. Some of the major plateaus of India are as follows:PlateausCharacteristicsThe Marwar PlateauIt Is also called Upland of Eastern Rajasthan Lies in the east of Aravali range Made up of sandstone, limestone and shales of the … [Read more...] about Plateaus Of India
Major Sea Ports of India
Name of the port State Additional infoMajor port on the East CoastKolkata West Bengal Bank of Hooghly riverHandles commodities coming from S.E Asian countries, Australia and New ZealandHaldia West Bengal Minor port of Hooghly riverSite of oil refineryParadip Orissa Handles iron ore and … [Read more...] about Major Sea Ports of India
Major Industries of India
Fertilizer FactoryMost of the fertilizer plants are located near oil refineries and use naphtha as the basic raw materials for nitrogenous fertilizers.Manufacturing CentersState CentersPunjab Nangal, BhatindaHaryana PanipatUttar Pradesh Gorakhpur, Mathura, Kanpur and … [Read more...] about Major Industries of India
Steel and Iron Industries of India
Below is the list of manufacturing centres of Iron and steel industryManufacturing centers:Name Of The Plant Location Additional InfoWest BengalBengal Iron works company Kulti, near Asansol Steel was 1st manufactured here by modern methods.Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO)[ nationalized in 1972] Burnpur It … [Read more...] about Steel and Iron Industries of India