Schedules | What it States |
First Schedule |
Second Schedule | Provisions as to the Presidents, Governor of States, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of House of the People & Legislative assembly of the States, Chairman & Deputy Chairman of the House of States and the Legislative council of a State. |
Third Schedule | Forms of oath and affirmation |
Fourth Schedule | Allocation of seats in the council of states |
Fifth Schedule | Provision as to the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled tribes |
Sixth Schedule | Provision as to the administration of Tribal areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram. |
Seventh Schedule |
Eighth Schedule | Languages |
Ninth Schedule | Validation of Acts and Regulations (Art. 31B) |
Tenth Schedule | Provisions as to disqualification on the grounds of defection |
Eleventh Schedule | Powers and authorities of the Panchayat (Art. 243G) |
Twelfth Schedule | Powers and authorities of the Municipality (Art. 243W) |
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